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B.V.Sc & B.Env.Sc (Hons)

Although a peachface lovebird was Kathleen’s first pet as a child, it wasn’t until later in life that she found her calling. Going into Veterinary Science with no specific plans, birds captured her heart when she became a wildlife carer and rescuer in her first year. Seeing their diverse personalities shine through as they got stronger and healthier gave her the motivation to pursue further learning opportunities through various AAVAC-UPAV conferences, webinars and weekly rounds. 

A newly hatched turkey chick given to her on a university placement then planted the seed for her love of poultry. 1 turkey quickly turned into many turkeys and chickens! Her menagerie now includes 2 rescue sulphur crested cockatoos, multiple poultry and 3 rescue dogs. 

Kathleen has ambitious career plans and intends on undertaking the rigorous examinations required to obtain her Memberships in Avian Medicine and Surgery in the future. 

In her spare time, you will find her running around a soccer or netball pitch, straddling a dirtbike, taking the dogs out bush in the 4WD or chilling in the aviary. She also loves to hit the slopes when winter chill hits – nothing like sailing on powder and dodging trees while strapped to a snowboard. 

© 2023 Melbourne Bird Veterinary Clinic                Photo Credits: @minniephotog

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